Prayer in the Park

Prayer in the Park

Prayer in the Park 2025 - June 1, 2-4pm


“Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together” (Ps 34:3 NIV). Prayer in the Park is an opportunity for all Christians in Waterloo Region to connect in one place and seek the Lord together. For in Christ, we form one body (Rom 12:5). Come and seek the Lord for renewal in the […]

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Please Pray

~Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His Courts with Praise. ~Pray for a habitation of God in our region and renewal in our churches. ~Pray that there will be a movement to change Waterloo Region beginning with prayer ~Pray for the monthly prayer focus ~Pray for right relations among the citizens of Waterloo Region. ~Pray […]

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Follow Along

Welcome to Prayer in the Park!! Song: Celebrate There’s a song brewing deep in my spiritWe can dance to it Come on let’s do it ‘Cause Jesus is alive It’s time to celebrate the resurrectionCelebrate the King of heavenJesus Christ had died but He’s alive I watched You die I saw it with my own […]

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How to Participate

Before June 2 Invite your church to gather in prayer on June 2 | Check the promotional videos & slidesPersonally invite 5 or more people to come with you and prayPray into the monthly prayer focusesPray regularly for Waterloo Region On June 2 Follow Along with the lyrics and prayer themesJoin Christians from all over […]

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Annually on the First Sunday of June

What if there was a movement to change Waterloo Region beginning with prayer?

What if we actually do what 2 Chronicles 7:14 says?
What if God’s people in Waterloo Region humble ourselves and pray?
What if we seek God and completely turn to Him?
What if we pray and don’t give up?
What if we all pray in unity?
What if we pray in all circumstances?

Join the experiment and let’s find out! Everything starts with prayer.

What if we truly offer ourselves as living sacrifices like the Apostles says in Romans 12? What is God calling us to do to serve Him as His people in Waterloo Region? How can we keep praying everyday? How might we keep our spiritual fervor serving the Lord?

God’s call to draw His people together is clear throughout Scripture. We see it through the feasts, sacred assemblies, and times of renewal, even in the early church. Unity refreshes us and renews and reminds us we are part of the one body of Christ and God is with us. Connecting in one place is not unity, rather it is an encouragement that we already have unity. We must continually make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit, so that we can become the mature body of Christ. We are meant to be connected. We are the supporting ligaments joining the body of Christ and holding it together, as we grow and are built up in love, and each part does its work.

Our prayer is that God’s presence will be experienced in an awe-inspiring, powerful way in our midst, both at Prayer in the Park, and as we go forth and serve God in Waterloo Region through the works of service we are equipped to do (Ephesians 4:12). We pray that times of refreshing will come on the Church of Waterloo Region, that God will show His power and glory here.

Next Prayer in the Park
Sunday, June 1, 2025 from 2-4 pm
Victoria Park Kitchener by the Clock Tower

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